Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select- UIN:110N171V06 (PD)


Nagendra Chintati

Non-Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Risk, Individual Life Insurance Product

MRSS – Minimum Income – Rs.15Lakhs
Particulars Remarks
Age Eligibility18 – 65 
GenderM / F / TG1.Female: 15% lower premium 2.Transgender: Discount on 1st year premium
Plan Option1. Life Secure (NROP)
2. Life Secure Plus (ROP)
Basic Sum AssuredMin ₹ 2 Crore Max no limit 
Premium Payment Options1.Single
2.Limited Pay
3. Regular Pay
Premium Payment TermMin 5 – max 82(100 – 18) – Regular Pay
Policy TermMin 5 – Max 82(100 – 18) – RP, LP
Life milestone DiscountPre or Post 6 months from proposal dateNot Suggested
Riders — TATA AIA VITALITY  1. Accidental Death (AD)
2. Accidental Total and Permanent Disability (ATPD)
3. Hospi care (max 5 PT)
4.Citicare plus (max 5 PT)  

** ROP option not suggested

**Hospicare & Criti Care are subject to renewal for every 5 Years.  the rider premium will vary with every renewal and agree to pay the required premium for continuation of my policy
Hospicare: Pays Fixed Amount on hospitalization, ICU benefits and also Recuperation in case of Hospitalization For 7 or more days.
Criticare: 40 Critical illness including cancer an cardiac conditions
Policyholder Nameabcd
Age35 years
Smoker StatusNo
Policy Term40 years (Till 75 Years)
Premium Payment Term15 years
Annual Premium (without GST)₹72,892
Annual Premium (with GST – Year 1)₹76,172 (W/O salaried Discount)
Annual Premium (with GST – Year 2 onwards)₹74,532
Policy NameTata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select
Policy TypeNon-Linked, Non-Participating, Pure Risk Premium
Sum Assured on Death₹2,00,00,000
Rider IncludedNo
GST RatesYear 1: 4.5%, Year 2 onwards: 2.25%
Total Premium Paid (over 15 years)₹10,93,380
Maturity Benefit100% of Total Premiums Paid
Surrender ValueAvailable after one full premium payment
Death Benefit₹2,00,00,000
Premium Payment ModeAnnual
Policy YearAnnual Premium (₹)Cumulative Premium Paid (₹)Guaranteed Maturity Benefit (₹)Guaranteed Surrender Value (₹)Special Surrender Value (₹)Guaranteed Death Benefit (₹)

Product Disclaimers

  • This product is underwritten by Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. This plan is not a guaranteed issuance plan and it will be subject to Company’s underwriting and acceptance.
  • Buying a Life Insurance policy is a long-term commitment. An early termination of the policy usually involves high costs and the Surrender Value payable may be less than all the Premiums Paid.
  • In case of Sub Standard lives, extra premiums will be charged as per our underwriting guidelines
  • All Premiums are subject to applicable taxes, cesses & levies which will entirely be borne by the Policyholder and will always be paid by the Policyholder along with the payment of Premium. If any imposition (tax or otherwise) is levied by any statutory or administrative body under the Policy, Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited reserves the right to claim the same from the Policyholder. Alternatively, Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited has the right to deduct the amount from the benefits payable by Us under the Policy.
  • 1This product has inbuilt payor accelerator benefit that provides 50% of base sum assured on diagnosis of terminal illness and all future premiums are waived. For more details, please refer the brochure.
  • Rider is not mandatory and is available for a nominal cost. For more details, premiums and exclusions under the rider, please contact Tata AIA Life Insurance Advisor / branch Insurance cover is available under this product
  • With this feature, policyholder is allowed to defer the due premium for a period of 12 months while maintaining the full risk cover under the base plan and attached riders. At the end of Premium Deferment period, the policyholder is required to pay the due premiums, including the premium applicable for the period of Premium Deferment, i.e. the base cover premium and additional premium (if any).
    • FlexiPay Benefit shall be available for multiple times with a gap of 5 policy years from the expiry date of previous Premium Deferment. The option can be exercised only after payment of 5 full years premium.
    • No interest shall be levied on the premium due during the Premium Deferment period. If the premiums due are not paid within the grace period after expiry of the FlexiPay Benefit, the Policy (including Rider(s), if any) shall lapse and no benefits shall be payable in the Policy or the Rider(s), if any) and company shall be entitled to recover the same from any amounts or benefits payable under the Policy or Rider(s).
  • With this feature, instant death benefit of INR 3 Lacs from the Sum Assured will be paid within 1 working day from the claim registration date. This feature is applicable only after a waiting period of 3 policy years from the policy inception or revival of the policy and provided the policy is in force.
    • The remaining SA shall be payable post the completion of the claim investigation.
    • Further, in case of any discrepancy in the claim investigation resulting in the final decision of non-payment of the claim, the company reserves the right to recover the already paid amount. The acceleration of instant claim should not be construed/interpreted as acceptance of the claim.
    • On assessment of documents submitted during claim assessment, additional documents may be sought by the company.
  • Under Life Secure Plus Option, an amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums) shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term as Maturity Benefit, provided the life assured survives till maturity and the policy is not terminated earlier.
  • Discounts –
    • Digital Discount
      • up to 10% on premiums payable in first year in case of Regular/Limited Pay and
      • 1 % in case of Single pay will be offered.
    • Salaried discount
      • upto 5% in case of Regular/Limited Pay and
      • 1 % in case of Single pay.
  • Individual Death Claim Settlement Ratio is 99.13% for FY 2023-24 as per the latest annual audited figures.
  • On enrolling into the wellness Program, you get an upfront discount of
    • 5% on first year premium for Accidental Death, Accidental Total & Permanent Disability, Accidental Disability Care Benefits and
    • 10% on first year premiums of the other rider benefit options.
    • The rewards are offered on cumulative basis and in any year, the maximum rewards in view of both the upfront rewards and annual rewards . ex together shall be 15% for Accidental Disability Care and 30% for all other rider benefit options.
    • Discount is driven by accumulated points which is achieved through wellness status.
  • Vitality is a trademark licensed to Tata AIA Life by Amplify Health Assets PTE. Limited, a joint venture between Vitality Group International, INC. and AIA Company Limited.
    • The TataAIA Vitality Wellness Program is available with Tata AIA Vitality Health (UIN: 110B045V03) and Tata AIA Vitality Protect (UIN: 110B046V04)
  • The assessment under the wellness program shall not be considered as a medical advice or a substitute to a consultation/treatment by a professional medical practitioner.
  • Insurance cover is available under the product.
  • Income Tax benefits would be available as per the prevailing income tax laws, subject to fulfilment of conditions stipulated therein. Income Tax laws are subject to change from time to time. Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd. does not assume responsibility on tax implication mentioned anywhere in this document. Please consult your own tax consultant to know the tax benefits available to you.
  • For more details on risk factors, terms and conditions please read sales brochure carefully before concluding a sale
  • ”’Claim process:
    • Applicable for online channel cases & for claim intimations received within 24 hours from the time of claim intimation
    • Death benefit upto 1Cr for Non-Accidental cause of death & upto 2Cr for Accidental cause of death. (Applicable as per reinsurance limits)
    • Non-Early Claims => 3 years from the date of issuance or reinstatement to the date of death (Whichever is later).
    • Cut-off time 3.00 PM for ULIP cases and 5PM for Traditional Cases; non-working days/ hours excluded
    • Applicable for all products (excluding unclaimed, Premium Reversal, APL/RPL Reversal, Maturity Reversal, Auto Surrender Reversal cases)
    • Timelines to be considered once all the necessary mandatory documents are received from the claimant.
  • The risk factors of the bonuses projected under the product are not guaranteed.
  • Past performance doesn’t construe any indication of future bonuses.
  • These products are subject to the overall performance of the insurer in terms of investments, management of expenses, mortality and lapses.

1.    Key Highlights

  • Flexibility to choose from 7 unique Death Benefit options
  • Whole of life cover available
  • Acceleration of 50% of base sum assured on diagnosis of terminal illness
  • Inbuilt waiver of premium on terminal illness
  • Special discount for salaried customers on first year premium
  • Flexibility to cover spouse under joint life option
  • Choice to increase cover for a specific period or throughout the policy term
  • Option to receive death benefit as lumpsum and/or instalments
  • Option to defer premiums by up to 12 months with FlexiPay Benefit
  • Instant payout on claim intimation
  • 15% lower premium for Women Consumers
  • Enhance your protection through our comprehensive riders with unique health and wellness benefits.


3.1 Benefit Provision

1. Plan Options

  • Option 1: Life Secure Option:
  • Option 2: Life Secure Plus Option:
  • Option 3: Joint Life Secure Option: (At present Not Available)
  • Option 4: Joint Life Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)
  • Option 5: Step-Up Secure Option:(At present Not Available)
  • Option 6: Step-Up Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)
  • Option 7: Legacy Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)

Details of the plan are as below:

Option 1: Life Secure Option:

Under this option, the policyholder chooses the Base SA at the time of purchase. In case the life assured dies during the policy term, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined below) less any payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid out to the nominee (as per the payout plan chosen) and the policy will terminate.

The Effective Sum Assured applicable for computation of Death Benefit would include any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage, Top-Up SA or the Education Secure option along with Base SA.

“Payor Accelerator Benefit”

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base SA is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) claim by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefit(s).

Payor Accelerator Benefit illustration:

Mr. Rahul, a 40 year old healthy, non-smoker male purchases Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select for a policy term of 45 years and Sum Assured of R 2 Cr. Rahul chooses to pay premiums for 10 years. Before paying the 7th premium instalment, he gets diagnosed with a terminal illness.

In case the Life Insured survives till the Date of Maturity, no additional benefit is payable, and the Policy shall terminate.

Option 2: Life Secure Plus Option:

Under this option, the death benefit will be as per Option 1 described above.

In case the Life Insured dies during the Policy Term, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined as per Clause 2 (I) of Part C) less any payout already made under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid out to the Claimant (as per the payout plan chosen) and the Policy will terminate. The death benefit shall be based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death.

The Effective Sum Assured applicable for computation of Death Benefit would include any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA or the Education Secure option along with Base SA, if applicable.

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base SA is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) claim by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits.

In case the Life Insured survives till Date of Maturity, an amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit option and “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided the Policy is not terminated earlier.

Option 3: Joint Life Secure Option: (At present Not Available)

Under this option, the life assured (first life) and spouse of the life assured (second life) would be covered under the same policy. The policyholder chooses the Base SA at the time of purchase.

In case of first death of either lives assured or simultaneous death of both the life assureds’ during the policy term, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined below) less any payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid out to the nominee (as per the payout plan chosen).

In case of simultaneous death of both the first life and second life due to an accident, an additional amount equal to the Base SA will be paid out to the Claimant as lump sum.

The Effective Sum Assured applicable for the above computation of Death Benefit would include any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA option along with Base SA, if applicable.

In case of death of first life prior to the death of second life or simultaneous deaths of both the Lives Insureds, the Effective Sum Assured would also include the additional sum assured purchased by exercising the Education Secure option, if applicable. The Policy will terminate upon payment of the entire sum of death benefit.

In case of death of second life prior to first life, the cover will continue with respect to the Education Secure benefit, if applicable, and respective due premiums shall continue to remain payable.

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base SA is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of first Terminal Illness (TI) claim of either first life or second life by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and Life Stage for Top- Up SA, if opted) shall be waived off. In case of acceptance of TI of first life prior to the second life or simultaneous TI of both lives, the future premiums with respect to Education Secure option will also be waived off. Only 1 (one) claim is admissible under “Payor Accelerator Benefit”.

The Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits.

In case any or both the Life Insureds survive till Date of Maturity, no additional benefit is payable, and the Policy shall terminate.

Option 4: Joint Life Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)

Under this option, the death benefit will be as per Option 3 above.

This is a protection-oriented variant wherein the Life Insured (first life) and spouse of the Life Insured (second life) would be covered under the same Policy.

In case of first death of either lives assured or simultaneous death of both the Life Insureds during the Policy Term, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined as per Clause 2 (I) of Part C) less any payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit will be paid out to the Claimant (as per the payout plan chosen).

In case of simultaneous death of both the first life and second life due to an Accident, an additional amount equal to the Base SA will be paid out to the Claimant as lump sum.

The Effective Sum Assured applicable for the above computation of Death Benefit would include any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA option along with Base SA, if applicable.

In case of death of first life prior to the death of second life or simultaneous deaths of both the Life Insureds, the Effective Sum Assured would also include the additional sum assured purchased by exercising the Education Secure option, if applicable. The Policy will terminate upon payment of the entire sum of death benefit.

In case of death of second life prior to first life, the cover will continue with respect to the Education Secure benefit, if applicable, and respective due premiums shall continue to remain payable.

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base SA is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of first Terminal Illness (TI) claim of either first life or second life by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and “Life Stage” or “Top-Up SA”, if opted) shall be waived off. In case of acceptance of TI of first life prior to the second life or simultaneous TI of both Life Insureds, the future premiums with respect to Education Secure option will also be waived off. Only 1 (one) claim is admissible under “Payor Accelerator Benefit”.

The Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits.

In case both the lives assured survive till maturity, an amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit option, “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided the policy is not terminated earlier.

Option 5: Step-Up Secure Option:(At present Not Available)

This is a pure risk variant wherein the Base Death Benefit shall be based on the Base SA and the Step-Up Period (a period of 1 to 5 years) as chosen by the Policyholder at the inception, and shall be as follows:

a. During the Step-Up Period – Pre-defined percentage of the Base Sum Assured as below

Policy YearPercentage of Base Sum Assured

b. Post completion of the Step-Up Period – 100% of the Base SA.

Death Benefit for chosen Step-Up period based on policy year of death

 Policy yearStep-Up Period chosen at inception
Death Benefit (As a percentage of Base SA)110%10%10%10%10%

The Effective Sum Assured shall be Base Death benefit plus any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA, if applicable.

The additional Sum Assured on Life Stage option shall only be allowed post completion of the Step-Up period. The Top-Up SA will commence after completion of the Step-Up Period.

If the death of the Life Insured is due to an accident, during the Step-Up period, entire Base SA shall be payable, and the Policy will terminate thereafter.

Sample Illustration to demonstrate death benefit under Step-Up Secure Option

Mr. Rahul is a 40 years old non smoker healthy male and takes Tata AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select Step-Up Secure Option for a policy term of 45 years and base Sum Assured of R 2 Cr. Rahul chooses a step up period of 3 years.

Base Death Benefit applicable in each policy year will be as follows

Death Scenarios:

Scenario 1: Death other than due to accident

  • Death in Policy Year 3 (during Step-Up period): The nominee will receive Rs 40 L and the policy will terminate
  • Death in Policy Year 4 to 45 (after the Step-Up period): The nominee will receive 100% of base SA, ie. R 2 Cr and the policy will terminate

Scenario 2: Death due to accident

  • Death in Policy Year 3 (during Step-Up period): The nominee will receive R 2 Cr (Base SA) and the policy will terminate.
  • Death in Policy Year 4 to 45 (after the Step-Up period): The nominee will receive 100% of base SA, ie. R 2 Cr and the policy will terminate. No additional accidental death benefit is applicable.

Payor Accelerator Benefit

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base Death Benefit is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) claim by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits. The “Payor Accelerator Benefit” shall be applicable only after completion of the Step-Up Period.

In case the Life Insured survives till Date of Maturity, no additional benefit is payable, and the Policy shall terminate.

Option 6: Step-Up Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)

Under this option, the death benefit will be as per Option 5 above.

This is a protection-oriented variant wherein the Base Death Benefit shall be based on the Base SA and the Step-Up Period (a period of 1 to 5 years) as chosen by the Policyholder at the inception, and shall be as follows –

a. During the Step-Up period – Pre-defined percentage of the Base SA as highlighted in table below –

Policy YearPercentage of Base SA

b. Post completion of the Step-Up Period – 100% of the Base Sum Assured.

The Effective Sum Assured shall be Base Death benefit plus any Cover Enhancement Option purchased by exercising either the Life Stage or the Top-Up SA, if applicable.

The additional Sum Assured on Life Stage option shall only be allowed post completion of the Step-Up Period. The Top-Up Sum Assured will commence after completion of the Step-Up Period.

If the death of the Life Insured is due to an Accident, during the Step-Up period, entire Base SA shall be payable, and the Policy will terminate thereafter.

Payor Accelerator Benefit

This option has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” applicable wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the Base Death benefit out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) claim by us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits. The Payor Accelerator Benefit shall be applicable only after completion of the Step-Up Period.

In case the Life Insured survives till Date of Maturity, an amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit option and “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided the Policy is not terminated earlier.

Option 7: Legacy Secure Plus Option:(At present Not Available)

This is a whole of life option with increasing life cover throughout the policy term. Additionally, a lumpsum is paid out at two milestone ages.

In case of death of the life assured, the stipulated death benefit (based on Effective Sum Assured as applicable on the date of death – defined below) less any payout under Payor Accelerated Benefit less any payout under Milestone Benefit (explained below) will be paid out to the nominee and the policy will terminate.

In case of death of the Life Insured, the death benefit shall be higher of:

  • Effective Sum Assured
  • Accumulated Value of Premiums
  • 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to date of death; and
  • Surrender Value as on the date of death

Accumulated Value of Premiums shall be the premiums (excluding extra premium, rider premium, taxes and discount) paid by the policyholder accumulated at a rate that varies by age, premium, premium payment term and policy year.

The absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum Assured applicable (as defined below) as on the date of death.

The Effective Sum Assured shall be equal to DB multiple times the Annualised / Single Premium (excluding extra premium, rider premium, taxes and discount).

Any payout made under Payor Accelerated Benefit and/or payout under Milestone Ages(s) shall be reduced from the Accumulated Value of Premiums for the computation of the death benefit.

In case the Life Insured survives till pre-defined Milestone Age, an amount equal to a percentage (as per the table below) of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the benefit option shall be payable at the end of attaining each Milestone Age, provided the Policy is not terminated earlier.

Milestone AgePercentage of Total Premiums Paid
15th Policy anniversary or attaining Age 80, whichever is earlier25
25th Policy anniversary or attaining Age 85, whichever is earlier75

This plan has an inbuilt benefit called “Payor Accelerator Benefit” wherein the benefit amount equal to 50% of the applicable death benefit is paid out as lump sum on acceptance of Terminal Illness (TI) claim by Us. Upon payment of the TI claim, all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the Policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefit(s).

In case the Life Insured survives till Date of Maturity, no additional benefit is payable, and the Policy shall terminate.

“Terminal Illness” is defined as an advanced or rapidly progressing incurable and un-correctable medical condition which, in the opinion of two (2) independent Medical Practitioners$ specializing in treatment of such illness, has greater than 50% chance of death of the Life Assured within 6 months of the date of diagnosis of Terminal Illness. The Company reserves the right for independent assessment of the Terminal Illness.

Payor Accelerator Benefit is not available in the PoS variant. Premiums will vary depending on the option chosen.

3.2. Other Additional Options

1. Coverage Enhancement Options:

a. Life Stage

Under Life Stage option, You can increase the coverage amount on happening of any one of the following Life Stage events, subject to the Underwriting Policy and the option to increase the Sum Assured is exercised within 180 days of the happening/incidence of the following event(s):

EventAdditional Sum Assured as % of Base SA
Marriage (One Marriage Only)50%
Birth/Adoption of 1st Child25%
Birth/Adoption of 2nd Child25%
Home Loan disbursal* amount sanctioned100%, subject to home loan

*Subject to Underwriting Policy

Once chosen, the option cannot be changed over the Policy Term, but You will always have a right to stop exercising the option in the future.

The Additional Sum Assured can only be taken in the form of (up to) 4 tranches as mentioned in the above table provided there has been no claim under Payor Accelerator Benefit, where Company will charge additional premium for each tranche. The premium amount for the Base SA remains unaltered. Any increase in the sum assured shall be effective from the Policy Anniversary succeeding the option exercise date.

You will have an option to surrender the additional sum assured tranches after payment of premiums for first five completed policy years. The tranches shall be terminated after payment of any applicable value on surrender. The tranches will be surrendered in reverse order to which they were availed, i.e. the latest tranche will be surrendered first, followed by the penultimate tranche, and so on. This shall be allowed till all incremental tranches are removed. Once reduced, the premium or sum assured cannot be subsequently increased.

The policy shall continue with the Effective Sum Assured as applicable at the time of termination for rest of the Policy Term.

This option is not available if the product is bought under Point of Sale norms.

This option will not be available with Legacy Secure Plus option. Additionally, under Step-Up Secure and Step-Up Secure Plus options, this benefit is only available post the completion of Step-Up Period.

b. Top-Up SA:

Under Top-Up SA option, You can opt to increase the life cover by a fixed percentage at each Policy Anniversary by paying an additional premium for every increase, subject to satisfactory underwriting as per Underwriting Policy. You can opt to exercise the Top- SA option at the time of purchase of the Policy, provided the premium payment term is at least 5 years..

The Sum Assured increase shall be by a fixed percentage ranging from 5% to 20% every year of the Base SA chosen at inception (subject to the Underwriting Policy) till the earlier of:

  • the maximum sum assured eligibility as per the Underwriting Policy is breached,
  • The outstanding premium payment term becomes less than minimum specified under the product,
  • The outstanding policy term becomes less than the minimum allowed under the product,
  • The attained age becomes higher than maximum entry age allowed under the product; and
  • Claim under Payor Accelerator Benefit.

Once chosen, the option cannot be changed over the policy term, but the You will always have a right to stop exercising the option in the future.

For each tranche, the additional premium will be determined using additional SA and the premium rate which will be derived basis the following:

  • Attained age as of the policy anniversary at the point of increase, subject to the maximum entry age stipulated in the product.
  • Outstanding policy term (in complete months) as of the policy anniversary succeeding the option exercise date, subject to the minimum policy term stipulated in the product.
  • Outstanding premium paying term (in complete months) as of the policy anniversary succeeding the option exercise date, subject to a minimum premium paying term specified in the product.
  • Aggregate sum assured (up to and including the increment in sum assured requested) opted for under the contract.
  • Underwriting classification as applicable on the option exercise date

You can opt to terminate the future increments at any time during the policy term and such termination will be effective from the next Policy Anniversary. Once the future increments are terminated, it is not possible to initiate the increments again over the remaining Premium Paying Term of the Policy.

In case, You do not opt to terminate the future increments, there will be an option to surrender the additional sum assured tranches (i.e. in multiples of 5% of Base SA) after payment of premiums for first five completed policy years. The tranches shall be terminated after payment of any applicable value on surrender. The tranches will be surrendered in reverse order to which they were availed, i.e. the latest tranche will be surrendered first, followed by the penultimate tranche, and so on. This shall be allowed till all incremental tranches are removed. Once reduced, the premium or sum assured cannot be subsequently increased.

The policy shall continue with the Effective Sum Assured as applicable at the time of termination for rest of the Policy Term.

This option is not available if the product is bought under Point of Sale norms.

This Top-SA feature is not available in Legacy Plus Option. Additionally, under Step-Up Secure and Step- Up Secure Plus options, the Top-Up SA will commence after completion of the Step-Up period.

c. Education Secure (Not available as of now)

Under Education Secure, the You have the option to take an additional life cover to provide for cost of higher education of up to 3 nominated children of the Life Insured on payment of additional premiums, subject to satisfactory Underwriting Policy. This option can be chosen only if nominated child has 4 to 19 years of education left for completion of graduation degree under Variant 1 and 4 to 22 years left for post- graduation under Variant 2. Once chosen, the option cannot be changed over the policy term.

This benefit is available under all options except for Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus and Legacy Secure Plus, subject to the following conditions:

  • Age at entry is up to 50 years and
  • Policy term is at least 4 years

Under Joint Life Secure and Joint Life Secure Plus options, this benefit will be available only with respect to the first life

The sum assured at inception under Education Secure option shall be equal to expected total cost of education of the nominated child. Every Policy Anniversary the sum assured shall be reduced by cost of education of previous years provided the cover has not been terminated. The Sum Assured schedule is provided in Policy document.

Expected total cost of education is determined using present annual cost of education and the outstanding years left for completion of graduation or post- graduation of the nominated child. Structure of education is assumed to be consisting of 22 years duration (3 years pre-primary, 12 years of school, 4 years of graduation and 3 years for post-graduation).

Present annual cost of education (chosen by policy holder at inception) will be assumed to be growing at a rate of 10% or 15% or 20% (compounding) every year. The rate of growth needs to be chosen at inception and cannot be changed subsequently.

The term under the Education Support Benefit shall be determined as:

Current Grade of the Nominated ChildEducation Support Benefit Term(in yrs)
 Variant 1Variant 2
Lower KG1821
Upper KG1720
Grade – I1619
Grade – II1518
Current Grade of the Nominated ChildEducation Support Benefit Term(in yrs)
 Variant 1Variant 2
Grade – III1417
Grade – IV1316
Grade – V1215
Grade – VI1114
Grade – VII1013
Grade – VIII912
Grade – IX811
Grade – X710
Grade – XI69
Grade – XII58
Graduation Year 147
Graduation Year 2NA6
Graduation Year 3NA5
Graduation Year 4NA4

The sum assured under the Education Secure benefit shall be capped at 100% of the base plan sum assured.

No survival benefit or maturity benefit is payable under the Education Secure option.

In case the life assured survives till expiry of the term of the Education Secure option or till expiry of the base policy, no additional benefit is payable with respect to Education Secure option.

This option will not be available with Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus and Legacy Secure Plus options. This option is not available if the product is bought under Point of Sale norms.

The Premium Payment Term under the Education Secure Benefit shall be less than or equal to the base plan option’s Premium Payment Term. The benefit term under the Education Secure benefit shall be less than or equal to the base plan option’s Policy Term.

You can opt for more than 1 cover enhancement option. However, “Life Stage” and “Top-up SA” options cannot be chosen together under the same policy.

d. Renewability option at Maturity:

At the Date of Maturity, You can choose to extend the Policy Term. This option can be exercised a maximum of 5 (five) times subject to Underwriting Policy. Additional premium shall be payable for the extended term and this shall be based on the following:

  • Attained age at the time of maturity, and
  • The chosen increase in Policy Term

This option is available subject to following:

  • Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus option has been opted
  • Premium payment term is Regular Pay
  • This option is not available if any claim under the policy for respective Life Insured has already been made

This option is not available if any benefit under the policy has already expired.

e. Cover Continuation Option: (Not Recommended)

In case of first death of either of the Life Insureds during the Policy Term under Joint Life Secure and Joint Life Secure Plus, the surviving life may choose to continue his / her life cover by taking a Single Premium policy.

The premium for the Single Premium policy shall be determined based on attained age, chosen sum assured and policy term.

The Single Premium policy shall be chosen from Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus options. This is subject to the Basic SA chosen and Underwriting Policy. The Single Premium amount shall be deducted from the death benefit payable with respect to first death.

This option has to be chosen at inception of the policy, however the surviving Life Insured has a choice to not exercise this option at later date.

f. Flexi Pay Benefit: (Practically not workout)

You may opt to defer the due Premium for a period of up to 12 (twelve) months from the due date (“Premium Deferment Period”), while maintaining the full risk cover under the Policy and the attached riders, if any, at no additional cost/Premium. In case of occurrence of any insured event during the said period of 12 (twelve) months, the Sum Assured shall be paid after deducting the unpaid Premiums, if any, as on date of the occurrence of the insured event covered under this Policy and the attached riders (if any).

At the end of Premium Deferment Period, You are required to pay the due Premiums, including the Premium applicable for the Premium Deferment Period, i.e. the base cover premium and additional premium (if any). During the Premium Deferment Period, the Policy shall remain in-force with the benefits applicable under Grace Period of the Policy.

Please note the following conditions specific to Premium Deferment:

  • The option is available to all premium paying terms (Regular Pay/Limited Pay), except Single Pay
  • The option can be exercised only after the payment of 5 (five) full years Premium.
  • The premium deferment shall be available for multiple times with a gap of 5 (five) Policy Years from the expiry date of previous premium deferment.
  • No interest shall be levied on the Premium due during the Premium Deferment Period.
  • Once the premium deferment option is exercised, it shall continue for a maximum of 12 (twelve) consecutive policy months i.e., one premium deferment shall mean 1 annual premium, 2 half-yearly premiums, 4 quarterly premium or 12 monthly premiums, as the case may be.
  • There should be a gap of at least 5 (five) Policy Years between the premium deferment i.e., You can opt for next policy deferment after completion of 5 (five) years from the expiry of last exercised premium deferment.
  • The total outstanding amount shall be payable at the end of Premium Deferment Period. For example, if You exercise premium deferment in the 5th Policy Year, then at the end of Premium Deferment Period, the due premium for previous year (5th Policy Year) shall become payable along with the next due Premium (6th Policy Year).
  • If the Premiums due are not paid within 30 (thirty) days [15 (fifteen) days in case of monthly mode] of the commencement of the next Policy Year after expiry of the premium deferment, the Policy [including Rider(s), if any] shall lapse and no benefits shall be payable in the Policy or the attached rider(s) (if any) and We shall be entitled to recover the same from any amounts or benefits payable under the Policy or attached rider(s).
  • This option can be exercised from the next premium anniversary, independent of the Policy Anniversary. For example, for a monthly mode Policy, a policyholder having paid 12 monthly premiums may choose not to pay the next 12 monthly premiums.
  • The option of Premium deferment shall not be available:
    • if You have exercised the premium deferment option in the last 5 (five) Policy Years.
    • during the last year of the Premium Paying Term.
  • This option shall only be applicable on the Base premium and rider premium, if any.
  • You may surrender the Policy anytime along with this option even during the year in which the option of premium deferment has been exercised.
  • You may avail this option by intimating us 60 (sixty) days in advance before exercising the premium deferment option. If a Premium remains unpaid with no prior intimation of exercising the premium deferment option, the Policy at the end of the Grace Period shall be treated as per clauses applicable as per Clause 6.7 of the Non- Forfeiture Provisions.

g. Instant Payout on Claim Intimation: (Immediate Survival)

In case of death of the Life Insured, post completion of Waiting period of 3 Policy Years from the inception or Revival of the Policy and provided the Policy is in force, an accelerated instant death benefit of INR 3 Lakhs from the Sum Assured shall be paid within 1 (one) working day from the claim registration date as a gesture to provide interim support. This payout shall be made only upon the Company being satisfied with respect to the validity and enforceability of the documents submitted along with the intimation of death claim.

The remaining Sum Assured shall be payable post the completion of the claim investigation by the Company. Further, in case of any discrepancy in the claim investigation where the death claim (including Instant Payout) is found to be not payable owning to any reason whatsoever the Company reserves the right to recover the already paid amount from the Claimant.

Eligibility Criteria:

  • This benefit can only be availed if the Policy is in- force.
  • This benefit is not payable in case of death during the first 3 (three) Policy Years.
  • This option is applicable only for policies with minimum Sum Assured of Rs. 1 Crore.
  • On receipt of intimation of death, a payment of INR 3 Lakh is payable as insta-payment. The balance claim amount shall be payable at the time of claim settlement.
  • Documents required for Claim Intimation: Death Certificate, Cancelled Cheque / Bank account de-tails, claim intimation form, KYC of nominee and Policy document On assessment of documents submitted during claim assessment, additional documents may be sought by the Company.
  • In case the Policy is during the FlexiPay benefit period, then in case of death of the Life Insured, we shall deduct the due amounts from above accelerated death benefit of INR 3 Lakh
  • In case of repudiation / rejection of claim for any reason whatsoever the company reserves the right to recover the already paid amount. The Claimant is liable to pay such amount within 7 days of receipt of such communication of recovery.
  • This feature accelerates the total claim amount. The acceptance of the instant claim should not be construed/interpreted as acceptance of the death claim.
  • The Company’s decision on the claim shall be final and binding on the Claimant. In case the Claimant fails to refund the said amount, appropriate actions may be initiated by the Company for recovery of the said amount.

2. Benefits

1. Death Benefit

The death benefit will be payable as per the Payout Plan selected by the Policyholder. The death benefit payable under different options is as follows:

Life Secure / Life Secure Plus / Step-Up Secure / Step-Up Secure Plus options –

In case of death of the Life Insured for an in-force policy (all due premiums have been paid), the death benefit payable to the Claimant is as outlined below:

Highest of:

  • 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or DB multiple1 x Annualised Premium2 (excluding discount);
  • 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to date of death; or
  • An absolute amount assured to be paid on death 3

Upon payment of entire sum of the death benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefits are payable.

1 DB multiple is 7 in case of Life Secure and Step-Up Secure Option and 10 in case of Life Secure Plus and Step-Up Secure Plus option

2 in aggregate for Base SA and all tranches of Additional Sum Assured

3 The absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum Assured applicable (as defined earlier) as on the date of death.

Joint Life Secure / Joint Life Secure Plus options –

In case of first death of any of the Life Insureds or simultaneous deaths of both Life Insureds for an in-force policy, wherein all due premiums have been paid, the death benefit payable to the Claimant is as outlined below:

Highest of:

  • 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or DB multiple1 x Annualised Premium (excluding discount);
  • 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to date of death; or
  • An absolute amount assured to be paid on death2

1 DB multiple is 7 in case of Joint Life Secure and 10 in case of Joint Life Secure Plus option

2 The absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum Assured applicable (as defined earlier) as on the date of death.

In case of death of first life prior to the death of second life or simultaneous deaths of both the lives assured, the policy will terminate upon payment of the entire sum of death benefit.

In case of death of second life prior to first life, the cover will continue with respect to the Education Secure benefit, if applicable, and respective due premiums shall continue to remain payable.

Legacy Secure Plus option –

In case of first death of the Life Insured under an in-force policy, wherein all due premiums have been paid, the death benefit payable to the Claimant is as outlined below:

Highest of:

  • Accumulated Value of Premiums1;
  • 1.25 x Single Premium (excluding discount) or DB Multiple2 x Annualised premium/Single Premium(excluding discounts)
  • 105% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to date of death; or
  • An absolute amount assured to be paid on death3
  • Surrender Value as on the date of death

Upon payment of entire sum of the death benefit, the policy terminates and no further benefits are payable.

1 Accumulated Value of Premiums shall be the premiums (excluding extra premium, rider premium, taxes and discount) paid by the policyholder accumulated at a rate that varies by age, premium, premium payment term and policy year.

2 DB Multiple for Limited pay option could be 7 or 10 as chosen by the policyholder at inception of the contract.

3 he absolute amount assured to be paid on death is the Effective Sum Assured applicable. The Effective Sum Assured shall be equal to DB multiple times the Annualised / Single Premium (excluding extra premium, rider premium, taxes and discount).

The “Base SA” of the policy would be the sum of the amount payable as lumpsum and discounted value of the staggered benefit stream, as computed using the discount factor (as mentioned under Section 7, Flexible Payout Option) as at policy inception.

“Total Premiums Paid” means total of all the premium paid under the base product, excluding any extra premium and taxes, if collected explicitly.

“Annualised Premium” shall be the premium payable in a year under a non-single pay option chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums, loading for modal premiums, if any.

“Single Premium” shall be the premium payable under a single pay option chosen by the policyholder, excluding the taxes, rider premiums, underwriting extra premiums if any.

Common for all options –

At the time of purchase, the policyholder may stipulate that the nominee named in the policy receive a chosen portion (up to 100%) of the death benefit as lump sum and remaining as a staggered benefit stream over a pre-decided staggered period. The nominee also has an option to receive the commuted value of the future staggered benefit stream as a lumpsum. Refer to Section 7, Flexible Payout Option below for further details.

In case of death of the life assured during the Grace Period but before the payment of the premium then due, the policy will still be valid and the benefits shall be paid after deductions of the said unpaid premium and also the balance premium(s), if any, falling due from the date of death and before the next policy anniversary.

In case of death after a valid claim under the Payor Accelerator Benefit, the death benefit as described under this Section would be reduced by the amount already paid under Payor Accelerator Benefit.

2. Accidental Death Benefit: (addition to the death benefit)

Life Secure / Life Secure Plus / Legacy Secure Plus options:

Not applicable

Joint Life Secure / Joint Life Secure Plus options:

In case of simultaneous death of both the first life and second life due to accident for an in-force policy (all due premiums have been paid), Base SA in addition to the death benefit (defined above) shall be payable.

Step-up Secure / Step-up Secure Plus options:

In case of death of Life assured due to an accident, during the Step-Up period, entire Base SA shall be payable, and the Policy will terminate thereafter.

Accidental Death shall mean death which

  • is caused by bodily injury resulting from an accident and
  • occurs due to the said bodily injury solely, directly and independently of any other causes and
  • occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of such accident

The benefit due to accidental death will be payable if the accident occurs within the Benefit Option term even if death occurs beyond the term (however within 180 days of the accident).

An “Accident” means sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means.

An “Injury” means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

3. Terminal Illness

Terminal Illness payout is payable in lumpsum on the confirmed diagnosis of the Terminal Illness as per the Option chosen by the Policyholder and as detailed below:

Life Secure / Life Secure Plus / Legacy Secure Plus options:

In case of confirmed diagnosis of terminal illness of the Life Insured for an in-force policy, where all due premiums have been paid:

The amount payable under the “Payor Accelerator Benefit” shall be 50% of Base SA and all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the policy will continue to remain inforce for the remaining applicable benefit(s).

Joint Life Secure / Joint Life Secure Plus options:

In case of first confirmed diagnosis of terminal illness of either lives assured for an in-force policy, where all due premiums have been paid: The amount payable under the “Payor Accelerator Benefit” shall be 50 % of Base SA and all the future premiums (base benefit option and Life Stage of Top-Up SA, if opted) shall be waived off.

In case of acceptance of TI of first life prior to the second life or simultaneous TI of both lives, the future premiums with respect to Education Secure option will also be waived off. The policy will continue to remain in force for the remaining applicable benefits.

Step-up Secure / Step-up Secure Plus options:

In case of confirmed diagnosis of terminal illness of the Life Insured for an in-force policy (all due premiums have been paid):

The amount payable under the “Payor Accelerator Benefit” shall be 50% of Effective SA and all the future premiums (base benefit option and cover enhancement options, if opted) shall be waived off and the policy will continue to remain inforce for the remaining applicable benefit(s).

The “Payor Accelerator Benefit” is an acceleration of the death benefit wherein the amount stipulated above is payable post acceptance of claim.

4. Survival Benefit

The survival benefit is payable on attainting Milestone Age.

Survival Benefit is not applicable in the case of Life Secure / Life Secure Plus / Joint Life Secure / Joint Life Secure Plus / Step-Up Secure / Step-Up Secure Plus options.

Survival Benefit is payable only under Legacy Secure Plus Option on attaining milestone age(s).

for Legacy Secure Plus Option: X Percentage of Total premiums paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) to be payable on each Milestone Age is as follows –

Milestone AgePercentage of Total Premiums Paid
15th Policy anniversary or attaining Age 80, whichever is earlier25
25th Policy anniversary or attaining Age 85, whichever is earlier75

5. Maturity Benefit

Maturity benefit is payable as a lumpsum payout on survival of the Life Insured/s to the Maturity date of the Policy. Maturity benefit for the options shall be payable as follows

Life Secure / Step-Up Secure / Joint Life Secure / Legacy Secure Plus options:

Not applicable

Life Secure Plus / Step-Up Secure Plus options:

An amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards base benefit option and “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted and applicable, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided the life assured survives till maturity and the policy is not terminated earlier.

The Total Premiums Paid in the above formula shall be towards the base benefit option excluding loading for modal premiums and discount.

Joint Life Secure Plus option:

An amount equal to the 100% of the Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) towards the base benefit option and “Life Stage” or “Top-up SA”, if opted and applicable, shall be payable at the end of the Policy Term, provided both the life assureds survive till maturity and the policy is not terminated earlier.

6. Additional Benefit:

A. Health Management Services:

Eligible Life Insureds of TATA AIA Maha Raksha Supreme Select may avail Health Management Services from service provider(s) associated with the Tata AIA Life Insurance Co. Ltd. The Insurer may also facilitate additional discounts and redeemable vouchers through such service provider, wherever available.

HMS are complimentary services in the areas of prevention, diagnosis, treatment or recovery which may include services such as medical consultation, coaching, second opinion, personal medical case management with the objective of health management and improvement

These services are subject to:

  • the availability of a suitable service provider/s;
  • primary diagnosis (wherever applicable) has been done by a registered medical practitioner as may be authorized by a competent statutory authority;
  • the eligibility conditions of the Life assured will be determined as per the Company’s extant Underwriting Policy;
  • the eligibility will be reviewed periodically, and changes shall apply without any discrimination to all existing and new customers of the product.
  • In case of any change, the eligibility details will be displayed on Our website (www.tataaia.com) or You may contact Our helpline number 1-860-266-9966 (Call charges apply), before using the services;
  • Whenever the eligibility criteria changes or the service is withdrawn, the same shall be communicated to all the policyholders. Prior to effecting any changes, we shall inform the same to IRDAI; and
  • The current eligibility is of a minimum total Sum Assured of Rs. 20 lakhs [under base plan and Rider/s (if any)].


  • This service feature is expected to reduce mortality / morbidity rates and thereby reduce expected claim outgo for the insurer.
  • These Value-added Services are completely optional for the eligible Life Insured to avail.
  • The Premiums charged shall not depend on whether such a service(s) is offered or availed.
  • Medical Second Opinion / Personal Medical Case Management / Medical Consultation is an optional service offered at no additional cost to the life assured. The life assured may exercise his/her own discretion to avail the services and to follow the treatment path suggested by the service provider.
  • These services shall be directly provided by the service provider(s).
  • The services can be availed only where the policy / rider is in-force.
  • All the supporting medical records should be available to avail the service.
  • We reserve the right to discontinue the service or change the service provider(s) at any time.
  • The services are being provided by third party service provider(s) and we will not be liable for any liability.

B. Loyalty Program Reward

walking Steps — Rider Premium Redemption

If you are a member of the loyalty program administered by a service provider empaneled by the Company, you shall be entitled to the Loyalty Program Reward upon the purchase of the policy and upon meeting the eligibility criteria. The loyalty programs foster long-term customer relationship and offer redemption benefits through the service provider’s eco-systems based on applicable terms and conditions. Such reward shall accrue as percentage of the Annualized Premium or Single Premium (as applicable) and shall be made available by the service provider to you in the form of benefits (points, coins, etc.) in the first policy year by loyalty program service provider. The quantum of reward shall be determined by the company’s extant policy and shall be disclosed in the company’s website from time to time.

The loyalty program rewards benefit shall be subject to the below:

  • The availability of “Loyalty Program Reward” shall be subject to the availability of suitable service provider(s).
  • The Loyalty Program reward shall be directly provided by the service provider(s). The rights and liabilities of the policyholder/ Life Insured with respect to the Loyalty Program, shall be governed by the terms and conditions applicable to loyalty program.
  • The Loyalty Program service is being provided by third party service provider(s) and the company shall not be liable for such services.
  • The liability of the company is limited to the transfer of the value of the reward to the service provider, so empaneled.
  • The company reserves the right to discontinue the service or change the service provider(s) at any time and such changes shall be updated on the company’s website (www.tataaia.com).
  • The eligibility conditions including the quantum of reward shall be determined as per the company’s extant policy and subject to change. Please refer our website (www.tataaia.com) for updated list of eligibility conditions, list of empaneled service providers, loyalty programs and the quantum of rewards. Any changes shall be applicable prospectively.
  • The Loyalty Program reward shall be applicable post completion of the free-look period, given the policy is still in-force at the time of extending such reward.
  • The company reserves the right to recover such reward value in the event of cancellation of the policy by you, within 6 months from the issuance of the policy.

7. Flexible Payout Option:

The policyholder will have the option to opt for lump sum, staggered benefit or a combination of a lump sum amount and staggered benefit, as at the time of purchase (referred as the “Payout Plan” henceforth).

If the payout plan chosen includes a staggered benefit, at the time of purchase of the policy, the policyholder would stipulate the benefit amount stream payable to the nominee after death of the life assured. For premium calculation, sum assured for the staggered benefit portion shall be computed as the discounted value of the staggered benefit stream using a discount rate of 4% p.a. The staggered benefit payment frequency can be Annual / Half Yearly / Quarterly / Monthly. The staggered benefit will be paid as per the frequency chosen for the “Benefit Period” (up to 60 months) selected, starting from the next monthly anniversary following the date of occurrence of insured event. Any accrued staggered benefit, due before intimation of death, will be paid along with first payout under this option.

At any time during the staggered period, the nominee also has an option to receive the commuted value of the future staggered benefit stream as a lumpsum, discounted at the higher of (4% p.a., State Bank of India domestic 10-year term deposit rate prevailing at the time of commutation + 2%).

Plan change / Conversion Option

Plan change / Conversion is not allowed under this Policy.



This Policy is made in consideration of Your proposal and payment of the required premium. The Policy, proposal for it, the Policy Schedule and any attached endorsements constitute the entire contract. The terms and conditions of this Policy cannot be changed or waived except by endorsement duly signed by Our authorized officer.

Your Policy consists of the basic insurance plan and any endorsements which may be attached to it.


Any fraud, mis-statement or suppression of a material fact under the Policy shall be dealt in accordance with Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended from time to time. The simplified version of the provisions of Section 45 is enclosed in Annexure-3    for reference.

3. EXCLUSION  (Must Read)


Suicide provisions will be applicable as per the Option selected by Policyholder and detailed as mentioned below:

Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus

In case of death due to suicide within 12 months:

From the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the Policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the Total Premiums Paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force; or

From the date of exercising the Life Stage Option (if applicable), the nominee or beneficiary of the Policyholder shall be entitled to 80% of the premiums paid (excluding any Extra premium, any rider premium and taxes) for the increased tranche(s). The original death benefit (based on the sum assured chosen at the time of purchase) and any increased death benefit purchased by exercising the Life Stage Option subsequently but prior to 12 months from the date of death (due to suicide) will remain payable in full.

Joint Life Secure, Joint Life Secure Plus:

In case of death due to suicide within 12 months:

From the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, of either or both of the Life Insureds, the nominee or beneficiary of the Policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the Total Premiums Paid till the date of earlier death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force.

Legacy Secure Plus

From the date of commencement of risk under the policy or from the date of revival of the policy, as applicable, the nominee or beneficiary of the policyholder shall be entitled to at least 80% of the Total Premiums Paid till the date of death or the surrender value available as on the date of death whichever is higher, provided the policy is in force.

B.Terminal Illness Benefit:

  • No claim will be payable if the Terminal Illness arises directly or indirectly as a result of attempt to suicide in the first year from inception or Revival of policy.
  • In case a Terminal Illness claim is not payable due to the above exclusion, the policy will continue with the applicable death cover.

Note: The benefit will not commence till two years are completed from the date of issuance of the policy.

C. Accidental Death Benefit:

Accidental Death Benefit shall not be payable for any losses caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the following occurrences:

  • Death because of any disease or infection
  • Death arising due to any condition other than death solely and directly as a result of an accident
  • Any Pre-existing condition or Disability arising out of a Pre-existing Diseases or any complication arising therefrom. Wherever the proximate cause is accident which has occurred after the rider inception date, this exclusion shall not apply.
  • Suicide, attempted suicide, intentional self-inflicted injury, acts of self-destruction, irrespective of mental condition.
  • Death arising from or caused due to use, abuse or a consequence or influence of an abuse of any substance, intoxicant, drug, alcohol or hallucinogen.
  • Death arising out of or attributable to foreign invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not or while performing duties in the armed forces of any country during war or at peace time), participation in any naval, military or air-force operation, civil war, public defense, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.
  • Death caused by participation of the insured person in any flying activityexcept as a bona fidefare-paying passenger of a recognized airline on regular routes and on a scheduled timetable.
  • Insured Person whilst engaging in a speed contest or racing of any kind (other than on foot), bungee jumping, parasailing, ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, paragliding, hang gliding, mountain or rock climbing necessitating the use of guides or ropes, potholing, abseiling, deep sea diving using hard helmet and breathing apparatus, polo, snow and ice sports in so far as they involve the training for or participation in competitions or professional sports, or involving a naval, military or air force operation and is specifically specified in the Policy Schedule.
  • Working in underground mines, tunnelling or explosives, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply, or as jockeys or circus personnel, or engaged in Hazardous Activities
  • Death arising or resulting from the Insured Person committing any breach of law or participating in an actual or attempted felony, riot, crime, misdemeanor, or civil commotion with criminal intent.
  • Death arising from or caused by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel (explosive or hazardous form) or resulting from or from any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss, claim or expense from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, nuclear, chemical or biological attack.

D. Waiting Period:

(Applicable only if the Policy is availed under Point of Sale product norms)

Waiting Period applicable will be as per the Option selected by Policyholder and detailed as mentioned below:

Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus, Legacy Secure Plus

If death of the Life Insured occurs during the first 90 days from the Date of commencement of risk, we shall refund Total Premiums Paid and the policy will terminate with immediate effect.

Joint Life Secure, Joint Life Secure Plus

If death of the either or both of the Life Insureds occur during the first 90 days from the Date of commencement of risk, we shall refund Total Premiums Paid and the policy will terminate with immediate effect.

Waiting period of 90 days is not applicable for death due to accident provided all due premiums have been paid.


This Policy is issued at the age and gender shown on the Policy Schedule which is the Insured’s declared age at last birthday and declared gender in the proposal. If the age and/or gender is misstated and higher premium should have been charged, the benefit payable under this Policy shall be after deduction of such difference of premium along with interest thereon. In such cases, the policy shall be subject to re-underwriting and the Sum Assured shall be subject to Your eligibility as per Our Underwriting norms and the premium to be deducted shall be calculated proportionately on such Sum Assured payable. If the Insured’s age/gender is misstated and lower premium should have been charged, the Company will refund any excess premiums paid without interest. If at the correct age/gender the Insured is not insurable under this Policy pursuant to our Underwriting rules, the Policy shall be void-ab-initio and the Company will refund the Total Premiums paid without interest after deducting all applicable charges like medical, Stamp duty, Risk, applicable taxes, cesses and levies etc., incurred by the Company under the Policy.


Only You can, during the Policy Term, exercise all rights, privileges and options provided under this Policy subject to any Nominee’s vested interest or Assignee’s rights.


Nomination allowed as per provisions of Section 39 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time.

The simplified version of the provisions of Section 39 is enclosed in Annexure -2 for reference


Assignment allowed as per provisions of Section 38 of the Insurance Act 1938 as amended from time to time.

The simplified version of the provisions of Section 38 is enclosed in Annexure -1 for reference.


All amounts payable either to or by Us will be paid in the Indian currency. Such amounts will be paid by a negotiable bank draft or cheque drawn on a bank or NEFT (National Electronic Funds Transfer) or electronic clearing systems. All amounts due from Us will be payable from Our office shown on the Policy Schedule.


Unless otherwise specified, this Policy is free from any restrictions upon the Insured as to travel, residence or occupation. Even though there are no restrictions under this Policy, the attached riders (if any) may have occupational exclusions for the cover as specified in the rider terms and conditions.


Notice of Claim:

All cases of death must be notified immediately to us in writing. However, any delay in notifying shall require to be substantiated to Our satisfaction. In case of any delay on the part of the Company to process the claim within extant regulatory timeline, We shall pay interest as may be prescribed by the IRDAI from time to time.

Please note that all death claims will be payable to the nominee/legal heir of the Insured policy holder.

Filing Proof of Claim:

Affirmative proof of loss and any appropriate forms as required by us must be completed and furnished to us, at the claimant’s expenses, within 90 days after the date the Insured event happens, unless specified otherwise. A list of primary claim documents listing the normally required documents is attached to the Policy. Submission of the listed documents, forms or other proof, however, shall not be construed as an admission of liabilities by the Company.

In case of diagnosed Terminal Illness, We would require evidence of the advance stage of the medical condition certified by two physicians or registered medical practitioners and any forms as required by us must be completed and furnished to us, at the claimant’s expenses.

We reserve the right to require any additional proof and documents in support of the claim.

Proof of Continuing Loss:

In the case of disability or other losses as We deem appropriate, We will require, at reasonable intervals, proof of continuing disability or loss. If such proof is not submitted as required, or such disability or loss ceases, claims for such disability or loss will not be considered.



For processing the claim request under this Policy, we will require

the following documents:

Type of ClaimRequirements
Death (all causes of death other than the Accidental Death)a)  Claim Forms
Part I: Application Form for Death Claim (Claimant’s Statement) along with NEFT form
Part II: Physician’s Statement – to be filled by last attending physician
b)     Death Certificate issued by a local government body like Municipal Corporation
c) Medical Records (Admission Notes, Discharge/ Death Summary, Indoor Case Papers, Test Reports etc)1
d) Claimant’s Photo ID with age proof & relationship with the Insured along with Address proof of the claimant and Cancelled cheque with name and account number printed or cancelled cheque with copy of Bank Passbook / Bank Statement

If no nomination – Proof of legal title to the claim proceeds (e.g. legal succession paper)
If Death due to Accident or unnatural death (to be submitted in addition to the above)1. Copy of the First Information Report (FIR) or Panchanama/ Police complaint/ Inquest#
2. Copy of Post-Mortem report (PMR)/ Autopsy and Viscera report#
3. Copy  of  the  Final  Police Investigation report (FPIR)/ Charge sheet#
 List of documents required for instant claim payout:
1. Death Certificate
2. Cancelled Cheque /Bank Account details
3. Claim intimation form
3. KYC of nominee
4. Policy document

#Medical records shall be required if Life Insured was in hospital at the time of death or any time prior to the date of death. Please submit copies certified/attested by the issuing or competent authority. Original Seen Verified (OSV) by Branch Personnel will also be accepted.

B. Maturity Claim Requirement

To ensure processing the maturity payout on or before the Maturity Date, We shall consider the bank account details available in Your Policy record. If there is any change, please submit below documents sufficiently in advance, to enable us release the maturity payout on or before the Maturity Date:

  • NEFT Form;
  • a cancelled cheque or copy of passbook with pre-printed name and bank account number, for payout through NEFT; and
  • a self-attested photo ID proof.


In case the claim warrants any additional requirement, We reserve the right to call for the same.

Notification of claim & submission of the claim requirements does not mean admission of the claim liability by the Company. No agent is authorized to admit any liabilities on behalf of the Company, nor to alter this list of documents or any claims requirements called for by the Company.

To process the claims of senior citizens, the Company shall ensure preferential treatment to the senior citizen and a speedy disposal of the claims.

12. Claims Intimation Process

Please inform the company immediately upon occurrence of death. A claim can be made through any of the following avenues: –

  • Online at www.tataaia.com
  • Email – claims@tataaia.com
  • Call our helpline number 1-860-266-9966 (Call charges apply)
  • Walk into any of the Company branch office.
  • Write directly to us on following address:
    • Claims Department: Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, 9th Floor, B – Wing, I-Think Techno Campus (Lodha) Behind TCS, Pokhran Road No.2, Thane (West), Mumbai – 400 607
  • Write to your Agent/Intermediary

13. Taxes

All Premiums, Charges, and interest payable under the policy are exclusive of applicable taxes, duties, surcharge, cesses or levies which will be entirely borne/ paid by the Policyholder, in addition to the payment of such Premium, charges or interest. Tata AIA Life shall have the right to claim, deduct, adjust and recover the amount of any applicable tax or imposition, levied by any statutory or administrative body, from the benefits payable under the Policy.

14. Free Look Period

If you are not satisfied with the terms & conditions of the policy, you have the right to cancel the policy by providing a written notice to the Company stating objections/reasons and receive the refund of all premiums paid without interest after deducting stamp duty and medical examination cost along with applicable taxes, cesses and levies which have been incurred for issuing the policy. Such notice must be signed by you and received directly by the Company within 30 days from the date of receipt of the policy document whether the Policy is sourced electronically or otherwise.


Increase / Decrease in Basic Sum Assured is not allowed in this Policy.


In order to provide You better services, We request You to intimate us in the event of any change in the address of the Policyholder or the nominee.


In order to provide You better services, We request You to intimate us in the event of any change in the address of the Policyholder or the nominee.

Part E

Not applicable for this product.



If the Policy document is lost or destroyed, then at the request of the Policyholder, the Company will issue a duplicate Policy document duly endorsed to show that it is issued following the loss or destruction of the original Policy document. Upon the issuance of the duplicate Policy document, the original Policy document immediately and automatically ceases to have any validity. The Company will charge a fee of Rs. 250/- along with the applicable tax and surcharge/cess, for the issuance of a duplicate Policy document. These charges are subject to revision by the Company from time to time.


  • All premiums are payable on or before their due dates to us either at our issuing office or to our authorized Officer or Cashier.
  • Collection of advance premium shall be allowed, if the premium is collected within the same financial year.
  • The Premium so collected in advance shall only be adjusted on the due date of the premium.

You may change the frequency of premium payments by written request. Subject to our minimum premium requirements, premiums may be paid on an annual, semi-annual, quarterly or monthly mode at the premium rates applicable on the Issue Date.


After payment of the first premium, failure to pay a subsequent premium on or before its due date will constitute a default in premium payment.


Grace Period is the time provided after the premium due date during which the policy is in force with the risk cover.

  • Grace Period for monthly mode policies is 15 days.
  • Grace Period for all other mode policies is 30 days

The Policy will remain in force during this period. If any premium remains unpaid at the end of its Grace Period, the Policy shall lapse and have no further value except as may be provided under the Non-Forfeiture Provisions.

In case of death of the Life Insured during the Grace Period but before the payment of the premium then due, the policy will still be valid and the benefits shall be paid after deductions of the said unpaid premium and also the balance premium(s), if any, falling due from the date of death and before the next policy anniversary.


If a claim is payable under this Policy, any balance of the premiums due for the full policy year in which death occurs shall be deducted from the proceeds payable under the Policy.


If a premium is in default beyond the Grace Period and subject to the Policy not having been surrendered,

it may be revived, within five years after the due date of the first unpaid premium and before maturity subject to:

  • (i) Your written application for revival;
  • (ii) production of Insured’s current health certificate and other evidence of insurability satisfactory to Us;
  • (iii) payment of all overdue premiums with interest.

Interest on premiums will be compounded at an annual rate which We shall determine.

Any evidence of insurability and medical requirement requested at the time of revival will be based on the prevailing underwriting guidelines duly approved by the Board and as per the health declaration submitted by the Life Insured.

Any revival shall only cover loss or Insured event which occurs after the Revival Date.

The applicable interest rate for revival is determined using the State Bank of India (SBI) domestic term deposit rate (for tenure ‘1 year to less than 2 years’), plus 2% and will be reviewed semi- annually. The current interest rate on revival from 1st April, 2024 is 8.98% p.a. (i.e. SBI interest rate of 6.98% + 2%) plus applicable taxes.


Loan is not available under this Policy.


A. Non-Forfeiture Benefit on Premium Discontinuance:

If any due premium for a non-single pay policy remains unpaid at the end of the grace period, the following is the treatment under various scenarios:

Premium Paying optionsLife Coverage  Size of benefits/policy monies
Before 2 years’ premium paidAfter 2 years’ premium paid
    Life Secure / Step-Up Secure OptionRegular PayCover cease to existCover cease to existNo amount is payable
    Limited PayCover cease to existCover cease to existUnexpired Risk Premium Value is paid out on the earlier of the following events after which the policy terminates:

1. Policyholder surrenders voluntarily.
2. Death of the Life Assured
3. Expiry of Revival Period
4. Maturity
      Joint Life SecureRegular PayCover cease to existCover cease to existNo amount is payable
      Limited PayCover cease to existCover cease to existUnexpired Risk Premium Value is paid out on the earlier of the following events after which the policy terminates:
1. Policyholder surrenders voluntarily.
2. First death of any of the Life Assureds or simultaneous death of both Life Assureds
3. Expiry of Revival Period
4. Maturity
Premium Paying optionsLife Coverage  Size of benefits/policy monies
Before 1 full years’ premium paidAfter 1 full years’ premium paid
Life Secure Plus / Legacy Secure Plus OptionRegular or Limited PayCover cease to existCover continues with Reduced Paid-Up Sum Assured1. Death Benefit as defined below is payable on death of the life assured.
2. Payor accelerator benefit is payable on confirmed diagnosis of terminal illness of the life assured.
3. Surrender Value / Unexpired Risk Premium as defined below is payable.
4. Maturity / Survival as defined above
Step-Up Secure PlusRegular or Limited PayCover cease to existCover continues with Reduced Paid-Up Sum Assured1. Death Benefit as defined below is payable on death of the life assured.
2. Benefit as defined below is payable on accidental death of the life assured during the step-up period.
3. Payor accelerator benefit is payable on confirmed diagnosis of terminal illness of the life assured.
4. Surrender Value as defined below is payable.
5. Maturity / Survival as defined above
Joint Life Secure Plus Regular or Limited PayCover cease to existCover continues with Reduced Paid-Up Sum Assured1.Death Benefit is payable on first death of any of the life assureds or simultaneous deaths of both life assureds.
2. Benefit as defined below is payable on simultaneous death of both life assureds due to accident
3.Payor Accelerator Benefit is payable on first confirmed diagnosis of Terminal Illness of any of the life assureds
4. Surrender Value as defined below is payable.
5. Maturity Value is payable at maturity on survival of both life assureds

Such discontinued policies can be revived within the period of 5 years from the due date of first unpaid premium by payment of all due premiums together with interest. Upon revival of the policy, all benefits shall be restored and be applicable with effect from the date of revival.

Under Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure Plus and Legacy Secure Plus Options when a policy is converted to Reduced Paid-up on premium discontinuance after 1 year’s premium paid:

  • The coverage will continue in reduced paid-up status till maturity unless the policy is revived earlier.
  • The Death Benefit is re-set to the Reduced Paid-Up Sum Assured (as computed below) and is payable on death.
  • The Accidental Death Benefit is re-set to the Reduced Paid-Up Accidental Death Sum Assured (as computed below) and is payable on:
    • Joint Life Secure Plus: Simultaneous accidental death of both lives assured.
    • Step-Up Secure Plus: Accidental death of Life Insured during the Step-Up period
  • In case of Terminal Illness claim, the amount payable under this benefit is:
    • Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure Plus – 50% * Reduced Paid-up Factor * Base SA
    • Step-Up Secure Plus –
      • During Step-Up period – 50% * Reduce Paid-up Factor * % of Base SA
      • Post completion of Step-Up Period – 50%* Reduce Paid-up Factor * Base SA.
    • Legacy Secure Plus – 50% * Reduce Paid-up Factor * death benefit applicable on the occurrence of TI (As defined in Section 7)
  • Any benefit paid for the Payor Accelerated Benefit shall be adjusted from the computation of remaining reduced paid-up applicable benefits. Survival benefit shall be applicable only for Legacy Secure Plus option. For other options, no survival benefits are payable under a paid- up policy during the policy term prior to maturity.
  • On survival to maturity, the Maturity benefit payable under this benefit is:

Reduced Paid-up Sum Assured = Reduced Paid-up Factor * Base SA

Reduced Paid-Up Accidental Death Sum Assured = Reduced Paid-up Factor * Accidental Death SA

Where, Reduced Paid-up Factor = Number of Premiums Paid / Number of Premiums Payable

2. Surrender Benefit:

The surrender benefit available under the product varies by the Option chosen. The policy will terminate upon payment of this benefit.

Under Life Secure, Joint Life Secure, Step-Up Secure Option and Legacy Secure Plus option (Post attaining the last Milestone Age), an Unexpired Risk Premium Value will be paid on surrender, which is as follows:

  • Regular Pay: Unexpired risk value will be zero.
  • Limited Pay: Unexpired Risk Premium Value is payable on surrender –
    • Life Secure, Joint Life Secure, Step-Up Secure – At least 2 full year premiums have been paid.
    • Legacy Secure Plus – At least 2 full year premiums have been paid and post attaining the Last Milestone Age

The Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor applicable at time of surrender will depend on the premium paying term (PPT), the policy term (PT) and month of surrender is given by the following formula:

The Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor applicable at time of surrender given by the following formula:

Unexpired Risk Premium = Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor (URPVF) * Annualised Premium (excluding discount).

The URPVF provided are applicable at the end of the year and shall be interpolated, to arrive at the factors applicable at the end of the month of surrender.

  • Single Pay: Unexpired Risk Premium Value will be equal to Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor (URPVF) * Single Premium paid (excluding discount), A positive Unexpired Risk Premium Value is payable on surrender –
    • Life Secure, Joint Life Secure, Step-Up Secure – Any time after the premium is paid or
    • Legacy Secure Plus option – post attaining the Last Milestone Age.

The Unexpired Risk Premium Value Factor applicable at time (t) of surrender will depend on the policy term (PT) is given by the following formula:

For Life Secure, Joint Life Secure, Step-up Secure and Legacy Secure Plus:

URPVF = 75% * (Policy term less policy duration (t)) / Policy Term.

Policy Term and Policy duration in the above formula shall be in months.

Such Unexpired Risk Premium Value for a policy is determined separately for the Base Sum Assured and each tranche of Additional Sum Assured and all conditions are applicable for each tranche separately. The total Unexpired Risk Premium Value payable will be sum of such computed Unexpired Risk Premium Value for each tranche.

  • Under Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure Plus, Step Up Secure Plus and Legacy Secure Plus Option, a policy shall acquire a Surrender Value on completion of one policy year, provided one full years’ premium is paid for non-single pay policies. For Single Pay policies, the policy shall acquire a Surrender Value immediately after it is issued.
  • The surrender value shall be equal to the higher of the Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV) and the Special Surrender Value (SSV).

Guaranteed Surrender Value (GSV):

The company guarantees a minimum non-negative surrender value which is equal to GSV factor x Total Premiums paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) up to the date of surrender.

For Legacy Secure Plus option, the GSV shall be applicable till the policy attains the last Milestone Age.

The GSV factor (expressed as a percentage of the total premiums paid excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) to be looked up in the table will depend on the year of surrender and the policy term or Last Milestone Age for Legacy Secure Plus option.

In case of non-integer policy term (other than Legacy Secure Plus option) expressed as PT + f (in years) where PT is integer years and 0 < f < 1, the GSV factors for each policy year shall correspond to those applicable for a policy with policy term PT (in years) and that for the last fractional policy year shall be 90%.

Special Surrender Value (SSV):

Special Surrender Values (SSV) is defined as follows:

  • Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure Plus, Step-up Secure Plus – Special Surrender Value (SSV) as determined by the Company from time-to-time basis changing economic scenario. The Company may revise SSV, based on the then prevailing market conditions. Any change in the methodology/formula for calculating the SSV shall be subject to IRDAI approval. The SSV will be subject to a floor of:
    • 95% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) if policy is surrendered between 21st to 24th policy year, provided all due premiums until date of surrender were paid.
    • 100% of Total Premiums Paid (excluding loading for modal premiums and discount) if policy is surrendered post completion of 24th policy year, provided all due premiums until date of surrender were paid.
  • Legacy Secure Plus – Special Surrender Value (SSV) as determined by the Company from time-to-time basis changing economic scenario. The Company may revise SSV, based on the then prevailing market conditions. Any change in the methodology/formula for calculating the SSV shall be subject to IRDAI approval

Milestone benefit already paid out prior to the surrender shall be adjusted for the computation of the SSV.

GSV and SSV and hence the Surrender Value shall be determined separately for the Base Sum Assured and each tranche of Additional Sum Assured, wherever applicable. The total Surrender Value payable will be sum of such computed Surrender Value for each tranche.

The GSV and SSV factors for complete year policy terms are provided in on the Company’s website www.tataaia.com.

Part G:



With regards to any query or issue related to the Policy, the Policyholder can contact the Company through the following service avenues: –

  • Contact your Tata AIA Life Agent / Distributor
  • Call our helpline numbers at 1-860-266-9966 (Call charges apply)
  • E-mail us at customercare@tataaia.com
  • Visit the nearest the Tata AIA Life branch or CAMS Service Center
  • Log on to Online Customer Portal by visiting www.tataaia.com
  • Write to Us at: Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited 9th Floor, B – Wing, I-Think Techno Campus, Behind TCS (Lodha), Pokhran Road No.2, Thane (West), Mumbai – 400 607


A. Resolution of Grievances

Customers can register their grievances through multiple service avenues:

  • Call our helpline number 1-860-266-9966 (Call charges apply)
    • Email us at life.complaints@tataaia.com
    • Login to online policy account on www.tataaia.com
    • Visit any of the nearest Tata AIA Life branches or CAMS Service Centers
    • Contact your Tata AIA Life Agent / Distributor
    • Write to us on the following address: Customer Service Department , Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Ltd., 9th Floor, B – Wing, I-Think Techno Campus, Behind TCS (Lodha), Pokhran Road No.2, Thane (West), Mumbai – 400 607
  • We shall acknowledge a customer’s grievance within 3 (three) business days through SMS/ email wherever available, along with the information on the turn-around-time to resolve the complaint grievance.
  • We shall provide the customer with an equitable resolution within 15 (fifteen) of receipt of the grievance.
  • In case customers wishes to contact us during the course of the assessment, they can contact us at any of the above-mentioned touch points.
  • All Tata AIA Life branches have a Grievance Redressal Officer who can be contacted for any support during the grievance redressal process.
  • A complaint/grievance shall be considered as resolved where the Policyholder has not responded to the Company within 8 (eight) weeks of the Company’s written response.

B. Escalation Mechanism

In case customers are not satisfied with the decision of the above offices, or has not received any response within the stipulated timelines, they may contact the following officials for resolution:

  • Level of Escalation: Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) , For escalations, customers can email to GRO@tataaia.com or write to – Grievance Redressal Officer (GRO) Tata AIA Life Insurance Company Limited, 9th Floor, B – Wing, I-Think Techno Campus, Behind TCS (Lodha),Thane (West), Mumbai – 400 607.

We request our customers to follow the escalation mechanism in case of non-receipt of response or unsatisfactory response from the concerned persons mentioned above.

If You are not satisfied with the response or do not receive a response from us within 15 (fifteen) days, You may approach the Grievance Cell of the Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India (IRDAI) on the following contact details:

  • IRDAI Grievance Call Centre (IGCC) TOLL FREE NO:155255 or 18004254732
  • Email ID: complaints@irdai.gov.in
  • You can also register Your complaint online at Bima Bharosa System – https://bimabharosa.irdai.gov.in/
  • Address for communication for complaints by paper: Consumer Affairs Department- Grievance Redressal Cell. Insurance Regulatory and Development Authority of India Sy.No.115/1, Financial District, Nanakramguda, Gachibowli, Hyderabad – 500 032.

C. Insurance Ombudsman:

Where the redressal provided by the Company is not satisfactory despite the escalation above, the customer may represent the case to the Ombudsman for Redressal of the grievance, if it pertains to the following:

  • Delay in settlement of claim;
  • Partial or total rejection of claim;
  • Dispute with regard to premium;
  • Misrepresentation of policy terms and conditions;
  • Legal construction of the policy in so far as dispute related to claim;
  • Grievance relating to policy servicing;
  • Issuance of policy which is not in conformity with proposal form;
  • Non- issuance of your insurance document; and
  • Any other matter resulting from the violation of provisions of the Insurance Act, 1938 or the regulations, circulars, guidelines or instructions issued by the IRDAI from time to time or the terms and conditions of the policy contract, in so far as they relate to issues mentioned hereinabove.

Please refer to our website www.tataaia.com for further details in this regard. The list of Ombudsman address is attached as Annexure – A

The complaint should be made in writing duly signed by the complainant or through his legal heirs, nominee or assignee, and shall state clearly the name and address of the complainant, the name of the branch or office of the insurer against whom the complaint is made, the facts giving rise to the complaint, supported by documents, the nature and extent of the loss caused to the complainant and the relief sought from the Insurance Ombudsman. As per provision 14(3) of the Insurance Ombudsman Rules, 2017; the complaint to the Ombudsman can be made:

  • Only if the grievance has been rejected by the Grievance Redressal Machinery of the Insurer; or
  • the complainant had not received any reply within a period of 30 (thirty) month after the Insurer received his representation; or
  • the complainant is not satisfied with the reply given to him by the Insurer.
  • If it is not simultaneously under any litigation.

Annexure – A

Office of the OmbudsmanDetailsJurisdiction of Office (Union Territory, District)
AHMEDABADOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Prakash Building, 6th floor, Tilak Marg, Relief Road, Ahmedabad – 380 001. Tel.: 079 – 25501201/02/05/06 Email: bimalokpal.ahmedabad@cioins.co.inGujarat, Dadra & Nagar Haveli, Daman and Diu.
BENGALURUOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Soudha Building, PID No. 57-27-N-19 Ground Floor, 19/19, 24th Main Road, JP Nagar, Ist Phase, Bengaluru – 560 078. Tel.: 080 – 26652048 / 26652049 Email: bimalokpal.bengaluru@cioins.co.inKarnataka.
BHOPALOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Janak Vihar Complex, 2nd Floor, 6, Malviya Nagar, Opp. Airtel Office, Near New Market, Bhopal – 462 003. Tel.: 0755 – 2769201 / 2769202 Email: bimalokpal.bhopal@cioins.co.inMadhya Pradesh, Chattisgarh.
BHUBANESHWAROffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 62, Forest park, Bhubneshwar – 751 009. Tel.: 0674 – 2596461 /2596455 Fax: 0674 – 2596429 Email: bimalokpal.bhubaneswar@cioins.co.i  nOrissa.
CHANDIGARHOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, S.C.O. No. 101, 102 & 103, 2nd Floor, Batra Building, Sector 17 – D, Chandigarh – 160 017. Tel.: 0172 – 2706196 / 2706468 Email: bimalokpal.chandigarh@cioins.co.inPunjab, Haryana (excluding Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonepat and Bahadurgarh), Himachal Pradesh, Union Territories of Jammu & Kashmir, Ladakh & Chandigarh.
CHENNAIOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Fatima Akhtar Court, 4th Floor, 453, Anna Salai, Teynampet, CHENNAI – 600 018. Tel.: 044 – 24333668 / 24335284 Email: bimalokpal.chennai@cioins.co.inTamil Nadu, Puducherry Town and Karaikal (which are part of Puducherry).
DELHIOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 2/2 A, Universal Insurance Building, Asaf Ali Road, New Delhi – 110 002. Tel.: 011 – 23232481/ 23213504 Email: bimalokpal.delhi@cioins.co.inDelhi & following Districts of Haryana – Gurugram, Faridabad, Sonepat & Bahadurgarh.
GUWAHATIOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Nivesh, 5th Floor, Nr. Panbazar over bridge, S.S. Road, Guwahati – 781001(ASSAM). Tel.: 0361 – 2132204 / 2132205 Email: bimalokpal.guwahati@cioins.co.inAssam, Meghalaya, Manipur, Mizoram, Arunachal Pradesh, Nagaland and Tripura.
HYDERABADOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 6-2-46, 1st floor, “Moin Court”, Lane Opp. Saleem Function Palace, A. C. Guards, Lakdi-Ka-Pool, Hyderabad – 500 004. Tel.: 040 – 23312122 Email: bimalokpal.hyderabad@cioins.co.inAndhra Pradesh, Telangana, Yanam and part of Territory of Puducherry.
JAIPUROffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Nidhi – II Bldg., Gr. Floor, Bhawani Singh Marg, Jaipur – 302 005. Tel.: 0141 – 2740363 Email: Bimalokpal.jaipur@cioins.co.inRajasthan.
ERNAKULAMOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 2nd Floor, Pulinat Bldg., Opp. Cochin Shipyard, M. G. Road, Ernakulam – 682 015. Tel.: 0484 – 2358759 / 2359338 Email: bimalokpal.ernakulam@cioins.co.inKerala, Lakshadweep, Mahe-a part of Puducherry.
Office of the OmbudsmanDetailsJurisdiction of Office (Union Territory, District)
KOLKATAOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Hindustan Bldg. Annexe, 4th Floor, 4, C.R. Avenue, KOLKATA – 700 072. Tel.: 033 – 22124339 / 22124340 Email: bimalokpal.kolkata@cioins.co.inWest Bengal, Sikkim, Andaman & Nicobar Islands.
LUCKNOWOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 6th Floor, Jeevan Bhawan, Phase-II, Nawal Kishore Road, Hazratganj, Lucknow – 226 001. Tel.: 0522 – 2231330 / 2231331 Email: bimalokpal.lucknow@cioins.co.inDistricts of Uttar Pradesh: Lalitpur, Jhansi, Mahoba, Hamirpur, Banda, Chitrakoot, Allahabad, Mirzapur, Sonbhabdra, Fatehpur, Pratapgarh, Jaunpur,Varanasi, Gazipur, Jalaun, Kanpur, Lucknow, Unnao, Sitapur, Lakhimpur, Bahraich, Barabanki, Raebareli, Sravasti, Gonda, Faizabad, Amethi, Kaushambi, Balrampur, Basti, Ambedkarnagar, Sultanpur, Maharajgang, Santkabirnagar, Azamgarh, Kushinagar, Gorkhpur, Deoria, Mau, Ghazipur, Chandauli, Ballia, Sidharathnagar.
MUMBAIOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, 3rd Floor, Jeevan Seva Annexe, S. V. Road, Santacruz (W), Mumbai – 400 054. Tel.: 022 – 69038821/23/24/25/26/27/28/29/30 /31 Email: bimalokpal.mumbai@cioins.co.inGoa, Mumbai Metropolitan Region (excluding Navi Mumbai & Thane).
NOIDAOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Bhagwan Sahai Palace 4th Floor, Main Road, Naya Bans, Sector 15, Distt: Gautam Buddh Nagar, U.P-201301. Tel.: 0120- 2514252 / 2514253 Email: bimalokpal.noida@cioins.co.inState of Uttaranchal and the following Districts of Uttar Pradesh: Agra, Aligarh, Bagpat, Bareilly, Bijnor, Budaun, Bulandshehar, Etah, Kanooj, Mainpuri, Mathura, Meerut, Moradabad, Muzaffarnagar, Oraiyya, Pilibhit, Etawah, Farrukhabad, Firozbad, Gautam Buddh Nagar, Ghaziabad, Hardoi, Shahjahanpur, Hapur, Shamli, Rampur, Kashganj, Sambhal, Amroha, Hathras, Kanshiramnagar, Saharanpur.
PATNA2nd Floor, Lalit Bhawan, Bailey Road, Patna 800 001. Tel.: 0612-2547068 Email: bimalokpal.patna@cioins.co.inBihar, Jharkhand.
PUNEOffice of the Insurance Ombudsman, Jeevan Darshan Bldg., 3rd Floor, C.T.S. No.s. 195 to 198, N.C. Kelkar Road, Narayan Peth, Pune – 411 030. Tel.: 020-41312555 Email: bimalokpal.pune@cioins.co.inMaharashtra, Area of Navi Mumbai and Thane (excluding Mumbai Metropolitan Region).

For further information or latest updated list of Ombudsman Office addresses, kindly visit the IRDA of India website ‘http://www.policyholder.gov.in/– Ombudsman / List of Insurance Ombudsmen OR our website www.tataaia.com

Annexure 1

Section 38 – Assignment and Transfer of Insurance Policies

Assignment or transfer of a policy should be in accordance with Section 38 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015.The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:

  • This policy may be transferred/assigned, wholly or in part, with or without consideration.
  • An Assignment may be effected in a policy by an endorsement upon the policy itself or by a separate instrument under notice to the Insurer.
  • The instrument of assignment should indicate the fact of transfer or assignment and the reasons for the assignment or transfer, antecedents of the assignee and terms on which assignment is made.
  • The assignment must be signed by the transferor or assignor or duly authorized agent and attested by at least one witness.
  • The transfer of assignment shall not be operative as against an insurer until a notice in writing of the transfer or assignment and either the said endorsement or instrument itself or copy there of certified to be correct by both transferor and transferee or their duly authorised agents have been delivered to the insurer.
  • Fee to be paid for assignment or transfer can be specified by the Authority through Regulations.
  • On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should Grant a written acknowledgement of receipt of notice. Such notice shall be conclusive evidence against the insurer of duly receiving the notice.
  • If the insurer maintains one or more places of business, such notices shall be delivered only at the place where the policy is being serviced.
  • The insurer may accept or decline to act upon any transfer or assignment or endorsement, if it has sufficient reasons to believe that it is
    • not bonafide or
    • not in the interest of the Policyholder or
    • not in public interest or
    • is for the purpose of trading of the insurance policy.
  • Before refusing to act upon endorsement, the Insurer should record the reasons in writing and communicate the same in writing to Policyholder within 30 days from the date of Policyholder giving a notice of transfer or assignment.
  • In case of refusal to act upon the endorsement by the Insurer, any person aggrieved by the refusal may prefer a claim to IRDAI within 30 days of receipt of the refusal letter from the Insurer.
  • The priority of claims of persons interested in an insurance policy would depend on the date on which the notices of assignment or transfer is delivered to the insurer; where there are more than one instruments of transfer or assignment, the priority will depend on dates of delivery of such notices. Any dispute in this regard as to priority should be referred to Authority.
  • Every assignment or transfer shall be deemed to be absolute assignment or transfer and the assignee or transferee shall be deemed to be absolute assignee or transferee, except
    • where assignment or transfer is subject to terms and conditions of transfer or assignment OR.
    • where the transfer or assignment is made upon condition that
      • the proceeds under the policy shall become payable to Policyholder or nominee(s) in the event of assignee or transferee dying before the Life Insured OR
      • the Life Insured surviving the term of the policy Such conditional assignee will not be entitled to obtain a loan on policy or surrender the policy. This provision will prevail notwithstanding any law or custom having force of law which is contrary to the above position.
  • In other cases, the insurer shall, subject to terms and conditions of assignment, recognize the transferee or assignee named in the notice as the absolute transferee or assignee and such person
    • shall be subject to all liabilities and equities to which the transferor or assignor was subject to at the date of transfer or assignment and
    • may institute any proceedings in relation to the policy
    • obtain loan under the policy or surrender the policy without obtaining the consent of the transferor or assignor or making him a party to the proceedings
  • Any rights and remedies of an assignee or transferee of a life insurance policy under an assignment or transfer effected before commencement of the Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 shall not be affected by this section.

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 and only a simplified version prepared for general information. Policyholders are advised to refer to Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 for complete and accurate details. ]

Annexure 2

Section 39 – Nomination by Policyholder

Nomination of a life insurance Policy is as below in accordance with Section 39 of the Insurance Act, 1938 as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. The extant provisions in this regard are as follows:

  • The Policyholder of a life insurance on his own life may nominate a person or persons to whom money secured by the policy shall be paid in the event of his death.
  • Where the nominee is a minor, the Policyholder may appoint any person to receive the money secured by the policy in the event of Policyholder’s death during the minority of the nominee. The manner of appointment to be laid down by the insurer.
  • Nomination can be made at any time before the maturity of the policy.
  • Nomination may be incorporated in the text of the policy itself or may be endorsed on the policy communicated to the insurer and can be registered by the insurer in the records relating to the policy.
  • Nomination can be cancelled or changed at any time before policy matures, by an endorsement or a further endorsement or a will as the case may be.
  • A notice in writing of Change or Cancellation of nomination must be delivered to the insurer for the insurer to be liable to such nominee. Otherwise, insurer will not be liable if a bonafide payment is made to the person named in the text of the policy or in the registered records of the insurer.
  • Fee to be paid to the insurer for registering change or cancellation of a nomination can be specified by the Authority through Regulations.
  • On receipt of notice with fee, the insurer should grant a written acknowledgement to the Policyholder of having registered a nomination or cancellation or change thereof.
  • A transfer or assignment made in accordance with Section 38 shall automatically cancel the nomination except in case of assignment to the insurer or other transferee or assignee for purpose of loan or against security or its reassignment after repayment. In such case, the nomination will not get cancelled to the extent of insurer’s or transferee’s or assignee’s interest in the policy. The nomination will get revived on repayment of the loan.
  • The right of any creditor to be paid out of the proceeds of any policy of life insurance shall not be affected by the nomination.
  • In case of nomination by Policyholder whose life is insured, if the nominees die before the Policyholder, the proceeds are payable to Policyholder or his heirs or legal representatives or holder of succession certificate.
  • In case nominee(s) survive the person whose life is insured, the amount secured by the policy shall be paid to such survivor(s).
  • Where the Policyholder whose life is Life Assured nominates his
    • parents or
    • spouse or
    • children or
    • spouse and children
    • or any of them

the nominees are beneficially entitled to the amount payable by the insurer to the Policyholder unless it is proved that Policyholder could not have conferred such beneficial title on the nominee having regard to the nature of his title.

  • If nominee(s) die after the Policyholder but before his share of the amount secured under the policy is paid, the share of the expired nominee(s) shall be payable to the heirs or legal representative of the nominee or holder of succession certificate of such nominee(s).
  • The provisions of sub-section 7 and 8 (13 and 14 above) shall apply to all life insurance policies maturing for payment after the commencement of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015.
  • If Policyholder dies after maturity but the proceeds and benefit of the policy has not been paid to him because of his death, his nominee(s) shall be entitled to the proceeds and benefit of the policy.
  • The provisions of Section 39 are not applicable to any life insurance policy to which Section 6 of Married Women’s Property Act, 1874 applies or has at any time applied except where before or after Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015., a nomination is made in favour of spouse or children or spouse and children whether or not on the face of the policy it is mentioned that it is made under Section 39. Where nomination is intended to be made to spouse or children or spouse and children under Section 6 of MWP Act, it should be specifically mentioned on the policy. In such a case only, the provisions of Section 39 will not apply.

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 and only a simplified version prepared for general information. Policyholders are advised to refer to Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 for complete and accurate details. ]

Annexure 3

Section 45 – Policy shall not be called in question on the ground of mis-statement after three years

Provisions regarding policy not being called into question in terms of Section 45 of the Insurance Act, 1938, as amended by Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. are as follows:

No Policy of Life Insurance shall be called in question on any ground whatsoever after expiry of 3 yrs from

  • the date of issuance of policy or
  • the date of commencement of risk or
  • the date of revival of policy or
  • the date of rider to the policy
    • whichever is later.

On the ground of fraud, a policy of Life Insurance may be called in question within 3 years from

  • the date of issuance of policy or
  • the date of commencement of risk or.
  • the date of revival of policy or
  • the date of rider to the policy
    • whichever is later.

For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to the Life Assured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and materials on which such decision is based.

  • Fraud means any of the following acts committed by Life Assured or by his agent, with the intent to deceive the insurer or to induce the insurer to issue a life insurance policy:
    • The suggestion, as a fact of that which is not true and which the Life Assured does not believe to be true;
    • The active concealment of a fact by the Life Assured having knowledge or belief of the fact;
    • Any other act fitted to deceive; and
    • Any such act or omission as the law specifically declares to be fraudulent
  • Mere silence is not fraud unless, depending on circumstances of the case, it is the duty of the Life Assured or his agent keeping silence to speak or silence is in itself equivalent to speak.
  • No Insurer shall repudiate a life insurance Policy on the ground of Fraud, if the Life Assured/ beneficiary can prove that the misstatement was true to the best of his knowledge and there was no deliberate intention to suppress the fact or that such mis-statement of or suppression of material fact are within the knowledge of the insurer. Onus of disproving is upon the Policyholder, if alive, or beneficiaries.
  • Life insurance Policy can be called in question within 3 years on the ground that any statement of or suppression of a fact material to expectancy of life of the Life Assured was incorrectly made in the proposal or other document basis which policy was issued or revived or rider issued. For this, the insurer should communicate in writing to the Life Assured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of insured, as applicable, mentioning the ground and materials on which decision to repudiate the policy of life insurance is based.
  • In case repudiation is on ground of mis-statement and not on fraud, the premium collected on policy till the date of repudiation shall be paid to the Life Assured or legal representative or nominee or assignees of insured, within a period of 90 days from the date of repudiation.
  • Fact shall not be considered material unless it has a direct bearing on the risk undertaken by the insurer. The onus is on insurer to show that if the insurer had been aware of the said fact, no life insurance policy would have been issued to the insured.
  • The insurer can call for proof of age at any time if he is entitled to do so and no policy shall be deemed to be called in question merely because the terms of the policy are adjusted on subsequent proof of age of life insured. So, this Section will not be applicable for questioning age or adjustment based on proof of age submitted subsequently.

[Disclaimer: This is not a comprehensive list of amendments of Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015. and only a simplified version prepared for general information. Policyholders are advised to refer to Insurance Laws (Amendment) Act, 2015 for complete and accurate details.]

ANNEXURE B- Definitions

1. Accidental Death Benefit

Definition of Accidental Death: Accidental Death shall mean death which

  • is caused by bodily injury resulting from an Accident and
  • occurs due to the said bodily injury solely, directly and independently of any other causes and
  • occurs within 180 days of the occurrence of such Accident

The benefit due to Accidental death will be payable if the Accident occurs within the Benefit Option term even if death occurs beyond the term (however within 180 days of the Accident).

Accident: An Accident means sudden, unforeseen and involuntary event caused by external, visible and violent means.

Injury: An Injury means accidental physical bodily harm excluding illness or disease solely and directly caused by external, violent and visible and evident means which is verified and certified by a Medical Practitioner.

Definition of Medical Practitioner is as defined above.

Exclusions of Accidental Death Benefit:

Accidental Death Benefit shall not be payable for any losses caused directly or indirectly, wholly or partly, by any one of the following occurrences:

  • Death as a result of any disease or infection
  • Death arising due to any condition other than death solely and directly as a result of an Accident
  • Any Pre-existing condition or Disability arising out of a Pre-existing Diseases or any complication arising therefrom. Wherever the proximate cause is Accident which has occurred after the rider inception date, this exclusion shall not apply.
  • Suicide, attempted suicide, intentional self-inflicted injury, acts of self-destruction, irrespective of mental condition.
  • Death arising from or caused due to use, abuse or a consequence or influence of an abuse of any substance, intoxicant, drug, alcohol or hallucinogen
  • Death arising out of or attributable to foreign invasion, act of foreign enemies, hostilities, warlike operations (whether war be declared or not or while performing duties in the armed forces of any country during war or at peace time), participation in any naval, military or air-force operation, civil war, public defense, rebellion, revolution, insurrection, military or usurped power.
  • Death caused by participation of the insured person in any flying activity, except as a bona fide, fare-paying passenger of a recognized airline on regular routes and on a scheduled timetable.
  • Insured Person whilst engaging in a speed contest or racing of any kind (other than on foot), bungee jumping, parasailing, ballooning, parachuting, skydiving, paragliding, hang gliding, mountain or rock climbing necessitating the use of guides or ropes, potholing, abseiling, deep sea diving using hard helmet and breathing apparatus, polo, snow and ice sports in so far as they involve the training for or participation in competitions or professional sports, or involving a naval, military or air force operation and is specifically specified in the Policy Schedule.
  • Working in underground mines, tunnelling or explosives, or involving electrical installation with high tension supply, or as jockeys or circus personnel, or engaged in Hazardous Activities
  • Death arising or resulting from the Insured Person committing any breach of law or participating in an actual or attempted felony, riot, crime, misdemeanor, or civil commotion with criminal intent.
  • Death arising from or caused by ionizing radiation or contamination by radioactivity from any nuclear fuel (explosive or hazardous form) or resulting from any other cause or event contributing concurrently or in any other sequence to the loss, claim or expense from any nuclear waste from the combustion of nuclear fuel, nuclear, chemical or biological attack.

2. Terminal Illness

Definition of Terminal Illness:

Terminal Illness is defined as an advanced or rapidly progressing incurable and un-correctable medical condition which, in the opinion of two (2) independent Medical Practitioners specializing in treatment of such illness, has greater than 50% chance of death of the Life Assured within 6 months of the date of diagnosis of Terminal Illness. The Company reserves the right for independent assessment of the Terminal Illness.

  • The benefit will commence after two years from the date of issue of the policy.
  • This is an accelerated benefit, i.e. on payment of this benefit, the death benefit under the policy is automatically reduced by the amount paid under this benefit.
  • The policyholder will continue to pay all premiums as due under the policy even after a terminal illness claim is admitted under this benefit.
  • This benefit is not available if the product is bought under Point-of-Sale variant.

Exclusion of Terminal Illness:

The Policyholder shall not be entitled to any Terminal Illness benefit if it is caused directly or indirectly due to attempted suicide, in the first Policy Year from inception or revival of Policy. In case a Terminal Illness claim is not payable due to the above exclusions, the Policy shall continue with the applicable death cover.

Parameters at a Glance

Plan ParametersMinimumMaximum
            Age at Entry (years)1For PoS & other than PoS :
Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure, Joint Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure and Step-up Secure Plus option : 18 years applicable

Legacy Secure Plus option:
45 years applicable
Benefit OptionPOSOther than POS
Life Secure60          65
Life Secure Plus55
Joint Life Secure 560
Joint Life Secure Plus 555
Step-Up Secure60
Step-Up Secure Plus55
Legacy Secure Plus  Not Applicable
            Age at Maturity (years)1Benefit OptionPOSOther than POSFor PoS : 65 years applicable for Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure5, Joint Life Secure Plus5, Step-Up Secure and Step-up Secure Plus option  

For other than PoS : 100 years applicable for Life Secure, Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure5, Joint Life Secure Plus5, Step-Up Secure, Step-up Secure Plus and Legacy Secure Plus option
Life Secure2318
Life Secure Plus2828
Joint Life Secure52323
Joint Life Secure Plus52828
Step-Up Secure2323
Step-Up Secure Plus2828
Legacy Secure PlusNot Applicable100
Plan Option2•Life Secure                       • Life Secure Plus                   • Joint Life Secure                   • Joint Life Secure Plus •Step-Up Secure               • Step-Up Secure Plus          • Legacy Secure Plus
                 Policy Term (PT)3For PoS
Benefit OptionRegular payLimited paySingle pay
Life Secure60        56461        56460        564
Life Secure Plus120120120
Joint Life Secure606160
Joint Life Secure Plus120120120
Step-Up Secure606160
Step-Up Secure Plus120120120
Legacy Secure PlusNot Applicable
For Other than PoS
Benefit OptionRegular payLimited paySingle pay
Life Secure13        98414        9841        984
Life Secure Plus120120120
Joint Life Secure13141
Joint Life Secure Plus120120120
Step-Up Secure606060
Step-Up Secure Plus120120120
Legacy Secure PlusNot Applicable100 – Entry Age
If “Joint Life Secure” or “Joint Life Secure Plus” option is chosen, the maximum policy term will be determined basis older of the 2 lives.
                Premium Payment Term (PPT)31.Regular Pay – Equal to Policy Term, subject to the boundary conditions mentioned below.
2.Single Pay – Lump sum at Policy inception
3.Limited pay – Subject to the boundary conditions below with maximum Premium Paying Term limited to Policy Term less 1 month.
For PoS
Benefit OptionRegular payLimited pay
Life Secure60        564        60        563
Life Secure Plus120
Joint Life Secure60
Joint Life Secure Plus120
Step-Up Secure60
Step-Up Secure Plus120
Legacy Secure PlusNot Applicable
 For Other than PoS
Benefit OptionRegular payLimited pay
Life Secure13        98413        983
Life Secure Plus12060
Joint Life Secure1313
Joint Life Secure Plus12060
Step-Up Secure6060
Step-Up Secure Plus12060
Legacy Secure PlusNot Applicable515
    Basic Sum AssuredLife Secure, Life Secure Plus, Joint Life Secure and Joint Life Secure Plus, Step-Up Secure, Step-Up Secure Plus: ₹ 25,00,000

Legacy Secure Plus:
Single Pay: ₹ 1,25,000
Limited Pay: ₹ 2,10,000
No Limit subject to Board approved underwriting policy (BAUP)

For Legacy Secure Plus, the maximum sum assured will also be subject to a maximum of:
Single Pay: 1.25 times the Single Premium
Limited Pay: 10 times Annualised Premium
Premium Payment ModeSingle Pay/ Yearly/ Half- Yearly/ Quarterly/ Monthly

1 Any reference to age is as on last birthday

2 The plan option can be selected only at inception of the policy

3 For all options other than Legacy Secure Plus, the figures are in months. For Legacy Secure Plus Option, the figures are in years

4 For PoS, the Basic Sum Assured shall be in multiples of INR 50,000

5 For Joint Life Secure and Joint Life Secure Plus, the above limits will be applicable to both lives.


The below mentioned rider(s) would be available with the base product:

  • Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Protection Rider (UIN:110B033V04 or any subsequent version)
  • Tata AIA Life Insurance Non-Linked Comprehensive Health Rider (UIN: 110B031V04 or any subsequent version)
  • Tata AIA Vitality Protect (UIN: 110B046V04 or any subsequent version)
  • Tata AIA Vitality Health (UIN: 110B045V03 or any subsequent version)

These riders can be subject to the rider premium payment term and the policy term shall not be more than the outstanding premium payment term and outstanding policy term for the base plan.

Any minimum and maximum sum assured limits on the above riders will remain applicable, irrespective of the fact that lower or higher sum assured might be chosen as the base cover under this plan.

If there is overlap in benefit offered under different riders with the base product, then that benefit under the rider will not be offered.

The sum assured for any attaching rider(s) will not exceed the Basic Sum Assured except for accidental death benefit rider

Flexible premium payment modes

You have an option to pay the premiums either as Single Pay or pay Annually, Half Yearly, Quarterly or Monthly modes. Loading on premiums will be applicable as mentioned below

Modal loading is as follows:

Single Premium Rate   : Multiply Single premium rate by

1(i.e. No loading)

Annual Premium Rate  : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by 1

(i.e. No loading).

Half Yearly Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by 0.51

Quarterly Premium Rate : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by 0.26

Monthly Premium Rate     : Multiply Annual Premium Rate by 0.0883

If the chosen premium paying term is not in integer years, the permissible mode of premium payment shall be restricted to Single or Monthly only.

Salaried Discount

If you are salaried and opting for Base sum assured greater than equal to R 50 lacs, you will be offered a premium discount of 1% of single premium or 5% on first year premiums for regular and limited pay.

No discounts shall be applicable on exercising the Life Stage or Top-Up SA Option as the increased premium shall be payable

from the next policy anniversary, which at the earliest would happen in the second policy year whereas the discount is applicable only on the first year’s premium.

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